Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania
Meeting Date : Monday June 19th, 2023
Meeting Minutes

  The Parks Township Board of Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on June 19, 2023, at 7:00 pm in the Community Building, 26 Jackson Street, North Vandergrift.

 MEMBERS PRESENT:  Gregory Artman, Chairman                                    Scott Kifer, Vice Chairman       

 Mary Ralston, Member                                              Jeanna Cerra, Secretary - Treasurer 



VISITORS                            Jeff Retter, Dana Arce, Spurgeon Shilling, Sherrie Polka, Tracey Bier, Karen Polka, Linda Ambrose, Lee Caparoli, Jay Start, Cindy Reilly, Ken Reynolds

 OTHERS PRESENT:      Chief John Arce,

 Mr. Artman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  Copies of the Agenda and Minutes were given to all attending and were posted along with the Treasurer’s Report and Bill Payment List on the bulletin board for review.   Public comments will be taken at the end of the meeting. 

 Mrs. Ralston made a motion to adopt the Minutes from the May 15, 2023, regular meeting; Mr. Kifer seconded it. And Mr. Artman made it unanimous.

An Executive session was held earlier and as a result the Board accepted Chief Arce’s resignation, and Officer John Hansen’s resignation.

Mrs. Ralston made a motion to accept the Treasurer's Report for May 2023, Mr. Kifer seconded it; and Mr. Artman made it unanimous.  Receipts for May were $196,491.22 and expenses were $50,084.56 leaving a total balance of $642,268.37 (General Fund –$235,832.63; Capital Fund – $8967.65; State Fund - $257,813.83; Street Light Fund – $12,354.65 ARPA Fund $136,267.26).  Also, a Budget report was supplied.

Mr. Kifer made a motion to approve the Bill Payment List for May 12-June 15, 2023, and Mrs. Ralston seconded it; and Mr. Artman made it unanimous. Mrs. Ralston asked that we paid our annual contribution to the Fire Department, Mr. Kifer seconded and Mr. Artman unanimous.  Each Supervisor stipulated that his vote did not include anything pertaining to himself or any member of his family.

An Executive session was held on May 15, 2023, to discuss personnel matters; as a result, Charles Sigler was hired to the maintenance crew.  Since then, Mr. Sigler has quit due to getting poison ivy from cutting weeds along the roads.


The secretary presented the Liquid Fuels Audit Report for Jan 1, 2021 – Dec 31, 2021, there were no findings at this time.

Comcast Cable sent the System Franchise Agreement; the Supervisors tabled it before they agree to it.

PSATS sent the dates for the Regional Forum which will be August 29, 2023.


Police Report – Ms. Cerra read the police report from May 1-31, 2023.

 Maintenance Crew- Mr. Artman reported the crew has been mowing and cleaning up from the new roof at the building.


Parks Committee- We did not get the grant and were not able to join Leechburg with the lunches. The committee reported they are planning a lunch at the park on July 12, 2023, and needed donations. The House of Hope on Kepple Hill said they would donate any money needed for the lunch. We are working on a family night at the drive in.

Planning Commission- The commission is working on updating the comprehensive plan. They are also working on putting the ordinances in a permanent book.  They also participated in the ACATO Conference which they said was very informational.  Future project is to update the Ag Security, which has not been updated for many years.


The Township has not heard anything about MTF Grant from PennDOT to date. Mrs. Ralston asked the secretary to call our Rep and see if we are awarded the grant and we already have done work on Maple could we use it for the cul-de-sac. Mrs. Ralston said she thinks the Supervisors need to make a decision if they will tar and chip Maple or wait to hear about the grants.

Mrs. Ralston said the Regional Police study is moving along. Ms. Cerra is working on a survey that was sent from DCED.

Ms. Cerra has contacted the Forestry Department and had to map out the Township and show where the signs will be placed for the ATV. They will issue the signs and the crew will have to install them.

Mrs. Ralston made a motion to adopt the Parking Boats and Large Vehicles on Township Roads Ordinance. Mr. Artman seconded it, and Mr. Kifer made it unanimous.

Mrs. Ralston made a motion to accept the Post Construction Storm water Management Plan from Senate Engineering and have them advertise the bid for the job. Mr. Artman seconded it, and Mr. Kifer made it unanimous.

Mr. Artman updated that the insulation needed done on the roof at the Dime Building and then it would be finished.


Mr. Spurgeon Shilling presented a proposal and a fee schedule to become the SEO for the Township. Many municipalities have already contracted his services and cancelled with The Sewage Agency because of membership fees and dissatisfied with the service. Mr. Kifer made a motion to discontinue service with the Sewage Agency and to use Spurgeon Shilling as the SEO, Mr. Artman seconded it and Mrs. Ralston abstained from voting.

Mr. Kifer made a motion for the Township Secretary to create a face book page for the Township, Mr. Artman seconded it, and Mrs. Ralston made it unanimous.  

Mr. Kifer said the Board and Secretary must go to Apollo Trust Bank to sign an updated signature card with his signature added.

Mr. Kifer made a motion to release the Pension Funds to Mr. Robert Burkett in a lump sum. Mrs. Ralston seconded it, and Mr. Artman made it unanimous.


Mrs. Tracey Bier asked about the ordinance pertaining to noise. She said the music at Nikki’s is so loud she could hear it blocks away. There have been numerous complaints and phone calls to 911 and PLCB and still nothing done.  Mrs. Ralston said we do not have a decibel reader so we could not measure it. Ms. Polka said the new ordinance does not refer to decibels. Mr. Kifer read off the noise section in the ordinance which did not mention anything about decibels. Ms. Polka asked if something could be done about the noise from Nikki’s after the quiet hours. Chief Arce said he would go over to Nikki’s and let them know about the ordinance and that they would be in violation if they did not keep the music down during the hours of 11 pm and 6am.

Ms. Caporali asked if you needed a driver’s license to ride an ATV on the roads with the new ordinance. Mr. Artman said you did, and you needed to follow all state laws.

Mr. Reynolds wants something done with Maple and he wants it done right, and will the cul-de-sac need to be done by PennDOT specs. 

Mrs. Bier also wanted to know what could be done with the knot weed growing. Chief Arce said he would send a violation warning to the landowners.

Ms. Karen Polka said Nikki’s was opened with the intent of being a sandwich and beer place and has turned into a full-blown bar, why? Mrs. Ralston said when they first open Jared would take care of any problems anyone had. She said she doesn’t know Nikki’s new husband and not sure if he would take care of things like Jared did.

 Ms. Polka asked about the water problem coming from under Kepple Hill is it from an abandoned coal mine. Mr. Artman said it was not and the township will have to address it.


 The next Regular Monthly Meeting will be held   July 17, 2023, at 7:00 pm in the Community Building, North Vandergrift.

There being no further questions or comments, Mr. Artman moved to adjourn at 8:15pm, Mr. Kifer seconded it, and Mrs. Ralston made it unanimous.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Jeanna Cerra
