Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania
Meeting Date : Monday October 17th, 2022
Meeting Minutes

Parks Township

Board of Supervisors

October 17, 2022

The Parks Township Board of Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on October 17, 2022, at 7:00 pm in the Community Building, 26 Jackson Street, North Vandergrift.

 MEMBERS PRESENT:  Gregory Artman, Chairman                                    Mary Ralston, Vice Chairman                         

                                             Scott Kifer, Member                                                     Jeanna Cerra, Secretary - Treasurer 


VISITORS PRESENT    Julie Hill, Ken Lookabaugh, Jay Start, Kerry Kunselman Geer, Sidney Remaley, Clay Kunselman, John Swedowski, Rich Simpson, Cindy Reilly, Nate Houser, Gene Bell

 OTHERS PRESENT:       Chief John Arce,

 Mr. Artman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  Copies of the Agenda and Minutes were given to all attending and were posted along with the Treasurer’s Report and Bill Payment List on the bulletin board for review.   Public comments will be taken at the end of the meeting. 

 Mrs. Ralston made a motion to adopt the Minutes from the September 19 regular meeting after the corrections were made (adding Mr. Simpson, the second vote for Mr Summerhill’s resignation and the second for Trick or Treat) and October 5, 2022, budget workshop, Mr. Kifer seconded it, and Mr. Artman made it unanimous.

 Ms Cerra presented the Treasurer's Report for September 2022. Mrs. Ralston made a motion to accept the Treasurer's Report, Mrs. Kifer seconded it, and Mr. Artman made it unanimous.  Receipts for September were $228,487.55 and expenses were $39,098.20 leaving a total balance of $631,100.28(General Fund –$301,743.58; Capital Fund – $53,361.33; State Fund - $236,502.51; Street Light Fund – $5156.51 ARPA Fund $34,336.35).

 Mr. Kifer made a motion to approve the Bill Payment List for September 16 and October 13, 2022, and Mrs. Ralston seconded it, and Mr. Artman made it unanimous.  Each Supervisor stipulated that his vote did not include anything pertaining to himself or any member of his family.


Ms. Cerra presented a letter to the Supervisors with the 2023 rates for Campbell Durrant.

A letter was sent from the Armstrong County Board of Commissioners with the schedules for the 2022 Meetings.


Police Report – Ms. Cerra read the police report from September 1 through September 30, 2022.

 Maintenance Crew- Mr. Artman reported the crew finished working on Kepple Avenue filling in the ditch, Hickory, top of Ash hill and sinkholes on Ridge Road. They also have been working on the grader. Mrs. Ralston asked if they fixed the ditches on Piper Hill, Mr.Lookabaugh said they did. He also reported they put up a No Parking sign on Highland Avenue.


Parks Committee- Ms. Cerra reported the meeting was cancelled for October because there was not a quorum. A suggestion to use a brown or tan color for the fence at the Vets Memorial was indicated. The Supervisors said any color was fine with them. Mr. Artman said he would like to get a water tank for on the back of the truck so the crew could pressure wash the fence and pavilions in the spring. Mr. Kifer said he would be able to get one.

Planning Commission – Mr. Simpson said at the October meeting the committee worked on the legal ordinance book, copies and organizing to put them online. Ms. Reilly reported she looked into the boat launch grant and the Township needs a 50% match. Mrs. Ralston suggested getting donations for the match. Mr. Artman gave Ms. Reilly the phone number for the Conservation District saying they may be able to help.

Safety Committee – The last class was training on lifting and carrying. The October 19th meeting will be Pipeline Safety Training.


 Maple Road – A PennDOT Multimodal Transportation grant is being applied for Maple Road.  The Township will be responsible for a 30% match which should be around $75,000.

American Rescue Plan Funding Update- All of the funds have been deposited into the account. The Clean-up Days, Dime Building roof replacement and the drainage repair at Kepple Hill Park, will be paid for out of that fund. 

Summer Projects- Terry Bowser is finished with Piper Hill and Slate Point Extension is also finished. The secretary is getting phone quotes for sealing cracks on Kepple Avenue and Slate Point. Mrs. Ralston asked the secretary to contact Mr. Mika about his driveway on Slate Point Extension and have him call her.

Mrs. Ralston said Mr. Ciuca will be announcing a meeting for volunteers soon.

The Proposed Property Maintenance Ordinance was tabled until next month.

Senate Engineering has started on Kepple Hill Park for the drainage getting a MS-4 Permit.


Mr. Artman asked to table the Morton Salt Contract until the next meeting; he wanted to check on a different company.

Mrs. Ralston made a motion to appoint Mr. Stanley R Givens, Jr. to fill the vacancy on the Municipal Authority Board. Mr. Artman seconded it and Mr. Kifer made it unanimous.

Mrs. Ralston made a motion for Mr. Defillippi to install railing at the loft in the Dime Building and switch the electrical outlet to a GFI in the men’s room at the Community Building.

The Resolution to Implement Act 57 was tabled.

Mrs. Ralston read the Snow Removal Policy.

Mr. Artman made a motion to advertise the budget, Mrs. Ralston seconded it, and Mr. Kifer made it unanimous.

No bids were received for the Dime Building roof replacement; the ad will be published again.


Mrs. Hill said now that some of her neighbors were in jail it had been better, but she still thinks we need more police coverage.

Mr. Swedowski asked if anything was going to be done at Kiski Highlands, he asked that something be done in front of his driveway, and Mr. Artman told him he would send the guys to put some cold patch down in the big holes at the end of driveways on Canter Lane.

Mr. Simpson said that the seniors are putting up a food pantry at the fire hall for dry goods. Anyone who needs it is welcome to take some and anyone is also welcomed to donate.


 The next Regular Monthly Meeting will be held November 21, 2022 at 7:00 pm in the Community Building, North Vandergrift.

There being no further questions or comments, Mr. Artman moved to adjourn at 7:55 pm; Mrs. Ralston seconded it, and Mr. Kifer made it unanimous.    

 Respectfully Submitted,


 Jeanna Cerra
